Steve's Shipyard

Construction of Gneisenau in 2004-2007

This page has photos of the Gneisenau, under construction during 2004 through 2007. This is a scratch built ship using aircraft plywood coated with fiberglass and epoxy resin. Gneisenau is a 5-unit battlecruiser with 1 pump and 5 guns, with the ability to fire any 4 of the guns during a battle.

Here is the construction work during the winter of 2004 through the spring of 2005:

Bow Ribs

Stern Ribs

Port Ribs View

Stern Ribs View

Water Channel

Our cat, Spice, admiring the new hull

Our cat, Spice, posing by the new hull

The bow shape required use of a jig

The bridge under construction

Tallie turns Gneisenau into a dog boat

Starport Stringers

Bow Water Channel

Here's my progress in May 2005, getting ready for the Fray:

Port View

Stern Tanks

Bow Tanks

Radio Box

Starport View

The bow sidemounts

The triple stern guns

The gun mount for the stern guns

Newly sheeted hull

Gneisenau received her first refit in the spring of 2007:

New outer prop shaft support

Resheeted with new prop shaft support

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