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BATTLE REPORTS - The Tangler at Engler - May 2010

The Tangler (page 2)

In 1999 during my first battle, I had the honor of having my rookie cruiser sunk by "the commodore". As battle began in the first battle and first sortie, I caught a nice photo of Chris shooting up the stern of the Missouri. I also spotted Randy Stiponovich's pirate smurf proudly standing on deck, daring all other captains to take their best shot!

The first battle almost immediately degenerated into the first of many, many fur-balls...

It was super cool to see James Foster on the water Saturday morning with his superb Andrea Doria. The barber poles, hand crafted secondaries and overall performance of the ship is magnificent! Unfortunately for James, Jason Bray was out there looking for the first of his many sinks, and the Doria was destined to become the first sink of the day.

After the Doria went down, my eyes and the attention of a few captains turned to Tom Palmer's Wee Vee. With "flag" battling "non-flag" the Wee Vee had to face the North Carolina, Arizona, Massechusetts and Yavuz (allied against allied).

After a LOT of action, the Wee Vee was destined to survive the first sortie, bringing great satisfaction to Captain Palmer!

A few more minutes into battle, and Mike Gregson made his first rookie trip into the pond to go after a sunken bike. A minute later, the mighty Missouri which had been battling a swarm of destroyers and cruisers, succumbed to a ram hole and went down.

Those destroyers had a great time in each battle!

There is an airport near Engler park, and at least once I wondered if someone was calling in air support!

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